Every now and then (I fall apart! ....Sorry, I couldn't resist!) the internet has something creatively wonderful that happens overnight arising from the ashes of previous booming internet sensations. Such as the Ice Bucket Challenge, the ever growing Grumpy Cat memes and the occasional fail video where we find humour and a weird sense of comfort in watching people falling over or even worse, crashing down the stairs head first off a skateboard. Well, allow me to introduce the latest internet fad which has seen more bearded Gents than ever taking to the swimming pool to 'Whip their beard back and forth!' to produce nothing less than the amazing beardy spectacle simply known as the #BeardFlip...

Being nothing short of majestic these bearded masterpieces have been appearing on numerous social media outlets these past few months, mainly on Instagram and Twitter. Such photos originally began with the breathtaking mermaid style water 'hair whip' which had men and women alike drooling at its mesmerizing beauty.

So, creative beardos around the globe decided to follow suit, as was then born the Beard Flip. Now, it's fair to say you'll have to be packing a rather manly lengthed beard in order to even attempt such a wondrous spectacle, and you'll also need a dedicated photographer who is willing and able to capture the beard flip at its prime. (Usually you can sweet talk the Wife/Girlfriend into this rather easily!) and a swimming pool that is not already pre occupied by family goers enjoying their holiday water activities. Throw in a little time and patience and BOOM! you might just have all the ingredients to create a truly magical image that'll become part of an overnight internet sensation.

Below are just a small collection of my personal favourite Beard flip moments perfectly captured on film...

So, step aside fail videos along with the endless cute cat memes, the internet has a new kid in town known as the 'Beard Flip', and we sure hope it is here to stay (Well, for a few weeks more at least!)

If you have managed to land the perfect 'Beard Flip' then let us know! And who knows, you might even find yourself featured in a future beard blog post right here on The Beard Struggle!

Well, that wraps up another beard blog for today, as always let us know your thoughts and feelings in the comments section provided below.

And until next time, Beard on Brothers, Beard on...

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