Beard Blog
How do you respond to someone who asks you a question about your beard? How often do you find yourself defending your God given birthright to complete strangers? We are here to help!
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What make a man great? Men throughout history have been revered for their Leadership qualities. The greatest leaders among them were denoted with traits imbued with Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selflessness, Honor, Integrity, Personal Courage (LDRSHIP). They were the personification of notoriety, expression, refinement, vision, and equality (NERVE). Most importantly, a vast majority had beards.
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Beards are significant in today society. However, what does it mean to be significant and why are beards of significant importance? Significance is defined as being worthy of attention and/or importance. Beards are the epitome and culmination (or should be)...
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This video, entitled “Common Beard Questions Answered” is a culmination of commonly asked questions about men who have beards. These answers will help to gain perspective to the everyday beard life of a man. I felt inspired to provide some additional validation and perspective to these questions along with some additional questions thrown in that I have personally encountered.
Every man wonders when is the best time for him to trim his beard. However, trimming is as intricate as a mans style. Not knowing when, how, or why could be detrimental to your beard. here are some tips to help tame that beard
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