Beard Blog
Numerous news websites have recently reported that SAS troops have been strictly prohibited from growing beards prior to deploying on military operations, we can reveal. The rather sudden ruling was put into order by the elite unit’s Regimental Sergeant Major...
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It is a little-known fact that facial hair can protect you from what would be otherwise harmful UV rays directed by the sun, but did you know your face fur takes quite the battering from doing so?Today I want to...
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Hello and jolly good day to all of my fellow TBS blog readers. We are at the halfway line of a soaring heatwave here in the UK this week, which has me hiding in the coolest corner of the room...
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Good day fellow blog readers, and welcome back to the TBS beard blog. As my Monday morning started much like any other Monday morning usually does, full of deep regret with how fast my weekend had passed me by in...
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Hello and good day my fellow TBS blog readers. Who has that Friday feeling in their tummy? The weekend is almost with us which often means many of us can kiss goodbye to the working week in order to relax,...
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