Beard Blog
Ladies Dig Hairy Gents, Finding Them Much Sexier Than Everyone Else, apparently...You know that hairy chest of yours you have been trimming? and those few hairs you've noticed sprouting out of your back? Well, stop trimming them off and run...
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Here at 'The Beard Struggle' we are constantly searching for new yet practical ways to protect your facial hair from the weather elements, such as the sunshine, and high and low humidity levels. Today I wanted to discuss what happens...
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Today whilst browsing through the internet I discovered a Reddit thread where female readers were encouraged to ask as many questions as they wished about a man and his trusty beard. Many of the questions were not fit for daytime...
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I have written more than a few several posts in my time here with 'The Beard Struggle' discussing as to why the lovely females seem to favour a man with a furry face, and today I have searched high, low,...
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Here in England we have recently been hit with a rather unusual heat wave, being the start of July you would expect the sun to be shining brightly in the sky, bringing with it soaring temperatures and sunburnt faces.But for...
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