Beard Blog
It is safe to say many of us know our Disney characters rather well. Following on from last week's post my Twitter inbox became a rather interesting read with people's messages suggesting more Disney beards to the ever growing list...
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Beards have fast passed just being fuzz the grows upon a gentleman's face. They have become the perfect accessory to transform any boy faced male into a bearded manly man.Facial hair has been booming since forever in movies. Huge blockbusters...
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Meet Rose Geil, the 39 year old lady who has hit the headlines recently after claiming she has never felt sexier since accepting the fact she has a beard and allowing it to grow naturally free.Rose began shaving at the...
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Over the last few years beards have continued to flourish upon many faces of gentlemen, proving in the process that our beards are still big business and in no way shape or form a 'fad' of 'phase'.We now live in...
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It is no secret that many of us bearded kind are rather attached to our beards. They take a ton of time and patience to grow out into an impressive display of face fuzz, and the very thought of being...
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