Beard Blog
Beards are a marvelous way to express your character, as they come in a wide array of different shapes, styles and sizes. Today I wanted to look at a few of the most popular beard styles and grant you a...
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I know the internet isn't a vault to the 'book of truth' or overly accurate all of the time, but it is a place to ponder upon when you have a little time on your hands and want to to...
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Here at 'The Beard Struggle' we are always actively making changes to how we operate in order to make life a little easier for our loyal customers. Today we are pleased to inform you that we have revised our shipping...
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Beards, love them or loathe them they are here to stay. They have be labelled with every stereotype in the book from as 'dirty as a toilet seat' to as 'hot as vindaloo sauce'. But what defines a beard to...
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As magnificent as furry faces can be, beardsmen often encounter several beard related issues along the way. Today I wanted to look a little closer at dry, brittle-like beards and what causes these issues to arise in the first place,...
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