Beard Blog
In this day and age we spend a huge amount of our time sitting in front of a screen browsing the interwebs. Be it on your PC, laptop, tablet or mobile (cell) phone. The worldwide web is full of knowledge,...
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The year of 2016 has seen a huge increase in beard popularity. It's no secret that most ladies prefer the rough rugged appearance a beard grants it's wearer, there must be something in the hair (see what I did there?)...
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I really love my beard, and the chances are if you are packing some face fluff you'll be rather attached to yours too. Throughout the many years I've sported a beard I've met a whole host of folks that don't...
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Growing out your beard might seem a simple enough task to most. Throwing away the razor and allowing your face to thicken out with it's very own fluff can't be too difficult, right? Growing a thicker beard can be a...
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When a boy evolves into a fury faced gentleman certain beard related obstacles may arise. Today, I wanted to share my knowledge with you all, as I try to debug 4 Common Beard Related Problems Resolved...SKIN IRRITATION CAN CAUSE A...
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