Beard Blog
Being the chief beard blogger here at 'The Beard Struggle' I get to spend many hours each and every day browsing the world-wide web seeking out all things 'beard.' During these extensive searches I often discover some rather fascinating facts...
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With the popularity of beards continuing to grow (pun absolutely intended!) each day, more and more gents are choosing to throw in the towel of the daily shaving grind in favour of growing out and sporting some form of facial...
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So, your beard has started to grow a little out of control, and you now resemble something from the jurassic period. Well there's only one thing that can be done to bring back your charming sharp manly looks and that...
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We all strive to proudly sport the perfect beard. From beard oils, balms and washes, to combing through the big bushy furry face, we go above and beyond when it comes to beard maintenance. But there are a few things...
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We've all read the headlines 'beards are dirtier than toilet seats!' usually attached to some form of 'study' or so called 'research' which usually is not overly reliable either.Well, today I wanted to jump right into the deep end so...
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