Beard Blog
We understand life can be rather hectic and time isn't always on our side, my Grandfather would often say 'There's just not enough hours in the day!'. As a kid I didn't fully understand what that meant, but as I've...
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Valentine's Day will soon be with us, where singletons quietly wish that a host of secret crushes will flood their mailboxes with cards declaring such feelings, and where couples try to capture their love for one another with a little...
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Here at 'The Beard Struggle' it is no secret that we are slightly obsessed with all things furry and how they grow. Just to be clear we are talking beards here, not body parts (Keep it clean!). But even the...
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In life we are often told that bigger is better, and that certainly applies in the furry face department. Me, myself have a rather lengthy bushy ginger beard that I've now been growing for over 2 years. It wasn't always...
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So, you decided to brave it alone and chose to take matters into your own hands, trimming matters to be more precise. And with what had started out as an easy task has now become much more trickier than you...
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